The University of Eastern Pangasinan offers professional education for bachelor degrees in Elementary Education and Secondary Education to meet the growing need for professional teachers in elementary and secondary schools in the country. The core curriculum of BEEd is designed to develop elementary teachers become either generalist to teach across different learning areas in grade school, special education teachers or pre-school teachers. BSEd, meanwhile, provides an intensive program for high school education focused on specialized academic areas including Mathematics, Physical Sciences, Biological Sciences, English and Filipino.
UEP recognizes that fundamental to academic excellence is a strong foundation in general knowledge and skills, theoretical knowledge about teaching and learning, methodological skills, experiential knowledge, professional and ethical values, and subject matter knowledge appropriate to the level of teaching. Thus our academic programs include various components that correspond to the basic and specialized knowledge and skills required by practicing professional teachers. It is UEP’s goal to produce educators endowed with professional, ethical and behavioral qualities to render them fit for the teaching profession, and at the same time, to contribute in the realization of national development and objectives of education.